Piotr Klimczyk, Lucyna Jaworska, Sławomir Cygan, Jerzy Morgiel, Łukasz Major, Andrzej OlszynaMechanical properties of Si3N4 – graphene composites sintered by SPS methodAbstractSilicon nitride powder with a small addition of magnesium oxide and yttria stabilized tetragonal zirconia fine particles was used as a starting material. Multilayer graphene nanoplatelets were used as filler for silicon nitride based composites. Graphene content in the mixtures was 0‒2 wt. %. The composites were obtained by the Spark Plasma Sintering method at 1650°C under 35 MPa of uniaxial pressure. Separation of the agglomerated graphene platelets in the matrix was observed for these materials. Insufficient dispersity of graphene slightly decreased the mechanical properties of Si3N4 ceramics. The SEM and TEM microstructural analysis of sintered materials show that the applied pressure during the sintering process leads to the orientation of the graphene phase and in consequence causes anisotropy of properties. The differences of friction coefficients were examined with the Ball-on-Disc method for the two directions (parallel and perpendicular to the pressing axis). Also the specific wear rate of the ball for the direction parallel to pressing axis differ significantly in comparison to the wear for the direction perpendicular to the pressing direction. Keywords: silicon nitride, graphene, Young’s modulus, hardness, coefficient of friction, wear rate, ![]() |