Jerzy Pacyna

New ledeburite cast steel with precipitation hardened matrix


A new ledeburite cast steel was designed based on a matrix precipitation hardened with intermetallic compounds of a chemical composition enriched by adding about 4.25% V totally balanced with carbon. A martensitic-austenitic matrix with a ledeburite network at the crystallite boundary prone to the strengthening effect with intermetallic compounds was obtained. Both hardness (about 400 HV20) and fracture energy KV (about 3 J) of the new material are only slightly superior to the same properties offered by the cast G200CrNiMo4-3-3 steel used so far for the section rolls operating in medium and large rolling mills. The applicability of the new cast steel in industrial practice will mainly depend on its tribological properties.

Keywords: ledeburite cast steel, precipitation hardening, microstructure, toughness, metallurgical mill rolls,
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