Janusz Faber, Maria Żmudzińska, Mariola Latała-HoltzerIDENTIFICATION BY DSH POWDER METHOD OF CRYSTAL PHASES OF SILICA IN DUST EMITTED FROM SAND FOUNDRYAbstractIn view of the documented pathogenic effect on human health of dust containing crystalline silica, an attempt has been made to identify different variations of polymorphic silica in samples of dust emitted from foundries using sand moulds. The polymorphic variations of SiO2 (qualitative phase analysis) were examined by the X-ray diffraction method (the Debye-Sherrer-Hull powder method [DSH]). The samples were taken in a selected foundry at different distances from the source of emission. In the samples of falling and suspended dust, the low- and high-temperature variations of SiO2 accompanied by metallic phases, were identified. Keywords: crystal silica, DSH powder method, dust, metallic phases, Download 835.1 KB >> |