Zbigniew StefańskiNEW COAL DUST SUBSTITUTES FOR BENTONITE MOULDING SANDS USED IN MANUFACTURE OF CASTINGS FROM MALLEABLE IRON AND ALUMINIUM ALLOYSAbstractThe article discusses the most important results of research, development and implementation works conducted under Target Projects in years 2006-2007 at the two Polish foundries, i.e. „Radom" Fittings Factory in Radom and MJM Jarosław Michalak Foundry Shop in Ostrołęka. The aim of the projects was to develop a modern, economical and ecological process for the casting manufacture. In "Radom" Foundry the investigations were carried out on fittings and pipe connections cast from malleable iron; in MJM Foundry in Ostrołęka the examined castings were made from aluminium-silicon alloys and assigned for use by the power industry. Some problems faced by the Foundries in respect of casting quality were described, optimum solutions were searched, and the results of these searches were stated. The proposed solutions suggest using in foundry practice the moulding sands of a new type, containing in their composition the recently developed foundry coal dust substitute of the trade name "kormix". Keywords: bentonite moulding mixtures, coal dust, kormix – a coal dust substitute, casting surface quality, ecological manufacturing process, ![]() |